ISO 45001-OSH management benefitts

Categoria: SSM
What is an ISO 45001-certified OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system?

ISO 45001 is a global standard that outlines the requirements for an effective OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system.
Alongside guidance on implementing and improving it. Organisations with an ISO 45001 certification are able to deploy a framework for OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management approaches that benefit employee well-being, can help reduce the risk of workplace accidents and ensure compliance.
Employers are required to meet the relevant health and safety legislation, and ISO 45001 can help do that. The internationally recognised ISO 45001 standard is designed to help organisations from various industries prevent health-related problems and work-related injuries in the workplace. This allows organisations to achieve their recognition for improving employee safety, by means of reducing the likelihood of risks, and creating safer and more efficient and safety working conditions.

PRO of getting an occupational health and safety management system:

1. Implementing an OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system and achieving ISO 45001 certification benefits organisations of all sizes.
Aside from the moral implications of ensuring a high workplace health and safety standard, employers can also benefit from reduced costs associated with fewer work-related incidents and reduced operational downtime relating to workplace injuries.

2. Implementing an OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system can aid your organisation in identifying hazards that could occur suddenly.
An OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system can help your organisation identify hazards through the use of a risk register, regular safety inspections and analysing workplace hazards.

3. Having a robust implemented OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH system in place allows you to monitor your organisation’s performance in managing potential health and safety risks that could affect your employees or the public. ISO 45001 standard certification specifications requires that the management system be subject to regular reviews to monitor progress.

4. Implementing a functioning OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system programme is likely to boost overall productivity. As potential risks are highlighted and processes are in place to eliminate them, can assist with reducing accidents in the workplace, naturally increasing productivity with less time lost due to accidents.

5. A solid OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system can help reduce staff absences and sick leave costs with procedures in place to manage risks that could result in accidents or illness, leading to employee absenteeism.

6. An established OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system can boost your organisation’s reputation in the industry. Being ISO 45001 certified shows your commitment to the health and safety of your staff and compliance with legislation. Increased reputation can see a boost in attracting new business, creating positive PR for your organisation, and helping attract and retain employees, especially in sectors more exposed to workplace incidents, such as construction or agriculture.

7. Organisations that show an efficient OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system will likely see fewer work-related accidents and injuries and more thorough procedures than companies that do not. Organisations demonstrating effective OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management can have a better chance of gaining financial support from banks and investors.

8. Stakeholders are usually more confident in an organisation’s decisions and abilities if it has robust health and safety management, such as being ISO 45001-OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH management system. Demonstrating that operational health and safety is a priority to your organisation can encourage them to work with you.

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